Each capsule contains:-
Bharingraj ext. (Eclipta alba)100mg
Triphala ext.50mg
Chitrak mool ext. (Plumbago zeylanica)40mg
Jeera ext. (Cuminum cyminum)30mg
Ajwain ext. (Ptychotis ajowan)30mg
Viavidanga ext. (Embelia ribes)30mg
Jethimadh ext. (Glycyrrhiza glabra)30mg
Sonth ext. (Zingiber officinale)30mg
Papain (Carica papaya)30mg
Dhania ext. (Coriandrum sativum)30mg
Hing ext. (Ferula northex)30mg
Karpad bhasma30mg
Lavang ext. (Caryophyllus aromaticus)30mg
Pudina satva (Mentha piperita)10mg
Irregularities in diet, consumption of fast food and stressful life style coupled with mental tension results in digestive problems like gases, anorexia, dyspepsia, constipation etc. If functioning of the digestive system gets disturbed, accumulation of toxins (Aam-Tatva) occurs in the body. Due to which health of person gets affected. Liver plays an important role in digestion in Ayurveda it is described that ‘Tikta-Rasatmak’ herbs tones up the function of liver or Digestive system. To overcome the above said problems after extensive research North India Pharma has prepared “Nidzyme”.
Nidzyme is a mixture of valuable ‘Tikta-Rasatmak.’ Hence Nidzyme is an excellent tonic for digestive system. It’s health benefits improves quality of daily routine, increases the working capacity and boosts immunity.
• Symptoms related to Irritable bowel symptom:- Pain abdomen, dyspepsia, painless morning diarrhoea, abdominal distension & excessive flatus.
• Symptoms related to Peptic Ulcer Symptom:- Epigastric pain, hunger pain, night pain, water brash, heartburn, loss of appetite, sense of repletion after meals.
Nidzyme is a non-habit forming Digestive tonic and appetizer. Nidzyme tones up alimentary canal, improve appetite, regulate digestion, normalize liver function, regulate stool-forming process and thus relieve symptoms commonly associated with disturbances of Gastro-intestinal tract.
Capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician.
No adverse/ toxic effects have ever been observed in short/ long term usage of Nidzyme in recommended dosage.
Keep the medicine away from direct sunlight, moisture and reach of children.
Capsule: a jar of 10 x 100 capsules and Blister pack of 10 x 10 capsules.
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